HomeAbout Us





Who we Are

Registered Environmental Consultant, Qualified Environmental Professionals controlling erosion, mitigating bank collapse, improving riparian biodiversity and restoring natural habitats. In the face of climate change and unpredictable environmental events. By observing nature and its natural processes, we decided to adopt an We take action by sharing our knowledge, and we approach our work using an interdisciplinary lens. Our work ethic is built on inclusive partnerships and collaborations amongst local experts, knowledge keepers, and the community. We value cultural diversity and foster our relationship with local First Nation groups. With years of experiences working with indigenous, rural and non-indigenous communities in BC and overseas, we’ve witnessed a direct correlation between healthy watersheds, biodiversity, and resilient communities.

Our Vision And Values

Our team has developed a strong working relationship with regional, provincial and federal agencies including municipalities, local First Nation groups and various divisions of BC Ministry of Environment, Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). We maintain our professional status and knowledge of new regulatory standards and practices through continuing education and professional development to ensure quality, environmental services for our clients. → to be edited

Our Community and Partnerships

Our team has developed a strong working relationship with regional, provincial and federal agencies including municipalities, local First Nation groups and various divisions of BC Ministry of Environment, Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). We maintain our professional status and knowledge of new regulatory standards and practices through continuing education and professional development to ensure quality, environmental services for our clients. → to be edited